Edie's Birthday

Edie's birthday was the best. Nate had finished his defense the day before and was able to fully function again. My dad was in town, so we had lots of family together. And, the weather was fantastic. We went to the same park that we'd gone to with Matt and Regen for Memorial Day and ate a delicious lunch.

This cake was honestly the best I could do...kinda depressing. My dream cake seemed unattainable.

Nevertheless, Edie did not seem to mind. She did not seem to understand that she was supposed to eat it either. She sat like this forever, bringing her hands toward the cake and then pulling them back to her just before she touched it.

In the end, she looked like this. So, it all worked out. The poor birthday girl had to be cleaned in a freezing creek, which she did not seem to enjoy nearly as much as the cake.

Despite what this may look like, Edie is not spoiled. Yeah right. She got some pretty sweet presents, including a flying monkey, CD player, fridge game, CD's, clothes, a plastic dog to walk, blocks, airplane, and much more. It's a good thing Ana's kids were there to help her learn how to open them all.

We sure love this girl. She had a great first year!


Julia said...

I loved your cake! :) Hope you're all doing well!

K said...

Hooray for friends who blog!! We miss having you guys here! Edie looks so adorable! We hope you all are doing great out there!